Week 1: Let It Flow
- Ready Mix Acrylic Pour Paints, such as Artist Loft, DecoArts, any other kind or you can make your own mixture
- 8x10 Canvas
- Plastic disposable cups
- Silicone oil, such as Artist Loft, DecoArts, or from your local hardware store...this is optional
- Cookie Tray or Cake Pan (Can be Disposable)
- Stir Sticks
Have paper towels and you can also use fun items such as string, straws, or toothpicks to make additional designs.
Week 2 & 3: Let’s Get A Foundation & Let’s Build (painting in layers)
- Acrylic Paint
- Modge Podge
- Color Pencils, Crayons, Glitter, Inks, Paper or whatever you want to add abstract layers to your painting.
- Paint Brushes
- Canvas
Week 4: Let’s Create
- Canvas or Canvas panel
- Watercolors, acrylic paints, oil pastels, or markers
- Paintbrushes
- Magazines, print outs or pictures
- Scissors
- Tape or Glue Stick
Have paper towels, a cookie tray or surface to work on that may get messy as well.
For more information, updates, and other fun news